Tuesday, March 10, 2009

dinner was prepared by me on the 04/03
prepared by me on 03/03

prepared by dad

by me

by dad & me

by me
potatoballs anyone?

getting my hands dirty with meatballs

the messed don't by me
sitting at home sure was fun for me the past few days.
been getting my hands dirty cooking dishers that i've never cook before.with the help of dad.
messing up the kitchen was the most fun part.hehe.
i haven't been going out as i was down with flu.then later with fever.however i've regain my strength now.i'm not working for my family at home as a maid..hehe.hey!being a maid aren't easy you know.there is so many things to do.like the laundry,dishers,cleaning and cooking.hehe
sunday night.i was attack by my dear dear MR ASTHMA.therefore i couldn't do much cleaning.so i was only able to clean up my room.it looks neater now.and free form dust.haha.so mr asthma won't attack me.hehe
anyway.i'm so happy that my cousin from kL.will be coming down ths friday.however they will be staying for one night only.but its okay.going to spend time with them..
ouh btw.i was rejected by the same guy for th 3rd timme yesterday night..hehe..so funny..
its like he ask me if i still had feelings for him..then what's going to happen next.then he reject me.hehe.so cute.don't know what to say.hehe

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