Friday, November 20, 2009

SO BORED!!!!!!!!!!

now at JURONG POINT STARBUCKS with jannah waititng for dear...blogging...isn't it obvious?LOL!
HEHE!able to blog today because...dear's laptop is with me...HEHE!actually i'm suuppose to do my research.thenn i found out that i already have it in my i can do my updating,checking and go online to chat with ex-schoolmates.HEHE!

will be going to genting on excited,my 1st National Band Competition!LOL!
tmr going to shop for stuff for the trip...not only that...tmr is also my
3rd Month Together
with don't know what to get for him...hmmm...i also now very very broke...
cannot anyhow BUY stuffs...sad sad sad...

wait for dear to come then go band...dunno meeting the others or not???hmmmmmm.....

Friday, November 13, 2009

CONCERT was GREAT!really enjoyed myself.and thnks to friends whom came to support me.i HOPE i did a good job in entertaining you guys.hehe....looking forward to next year concert...must come support me again....hehe...

well i'm so looking forward to NBC at genting...hope to bring back the GOLD...willl be away on don't miss me...but give me your support for the band excited....

after band come...must go back to bowen give juniors support for syf...also must help out abit.its been long since i went back to have a look...bmb jia you!me and amin going back to support you people...